Funeral Services Greensborough

Hall's Funerals offers a range of service types to suit your loved one near Greensborough.

We provide funeral services throughout Melbourne to local Briar Hill residents and surrounding communities.

The type of funeral service Melbourne that best suits your needs will depend greatly on a number of things. These may include:

Cultural background
Religious Beliefs
Expected number of mourners
Loved one's wishes

At Hall's Funeral Services, we will work with you to provide the best options. Here are the most common service types:

funeral service Greensborough

Single Funeral Service

A Single Service ceremony can take place at a Church, Chapel, graveside, or other suitable place and incorporates both the main service and final committal in one. There is no procession.

Dual Funeral Service Greensborough

Dual Funeral Service

A Dual Service consists of a service at a Church, Chapel or some other suitable location followed by a procession to the final resting place or crematorium for the final committal ceremony.

Memorial Funeral Service Greensborough

Memorial Funeral Service

A Memorial Service usually takes place at a Church, Chapel or other special location after the funeral burial or funeral cremation which is usually held in private or when the deceased's body is unable to be present.


Experience and understanding from a dedicated team.  

When you work with Hall’s Funeral Services, you work with a team of professionals dedicated to providing support to families during a time of significant grief. We have over 40 years of experience and deliver our services with compassion, respect and integrity. Our team offers a full range of funeral services and can help you to celebrate the life of your loved one. We work with families across Melbourne, including in Greensborough.  

Learn more


How much does a funeral cost? 

The cost of funerals ranges depending on the circumstances. We offer pre-paid funerals for people who want to reduce the financial pressure on their families.  

Where is your office located? 

We have offices located in Diamond Creek and Whittlesea; however, we work with families across Melbourne. If you’re located in Greensborough, we can help you to create a customised funeral that celebrates the life of your loved one.  

Who owns Hall’s Funeral Services 

We are a family-owned Australian business that has been supporting local families for over 40 years.  


Our funeral directors in Diamond Creek and Whittlesea proudly work with families across Melbourne.

Call Hall's Funeral Services Diamond Creek now on 9438 5416 to discuss your needs. Learn more about our other services.

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